Dominic Tiano: Recapping the Sherwin-Williams NHL/CHL Top Prospects Game

Editor’s note- Dominic Tiano traveled to Quebec City for the 2017 CHL Top Prospects Game and filed this report on some of the top players for the 2017 NHL Entry Draft in Chicago this coming June. Thanks to Dom for putting his thoughts down and let us echo the support for the people of Quebec and everyone affected by the tragedy there.- KL


Let me start off by saying that I am deeply saddened by the shootings late Sunday evening at a Quebec City Mosque. There was a division among the ranks whether the game should proceed. After increased security and assurances from Quebec City Police, and meeting with the players and their families Monday morning, Canadian Hockey League Commissioner David Branch said the game would be a go.
Our thoughts remain with the families that lost loved ones and those still battling in hospital.
Before we get to the game, let’s look at some of the testing that took place on Sunday (From the CHL press release).

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